... seriously... my tooth is killing me and the pain is much stronger when the tip of my tounge accedentally goes and touch that tooth XD.
You wonder why it hurt s much right?
Well it was a temporarily fixing in that tooth and it is getting loose now... And to fix this tooth cost around 2500kr!!!!
I dont have that kind of money as a student XD.
Well im going to try to eat now with this pain in my mouth. Wish me good luck!
My tooth hurt!
You wonder why it hurt s much right?
Well it was a temporarily fixing in that tooth and it is getting loose now... And to fix this tooth cost around 2500kr!!!!
I dont have that kind of money as a student XD.
Well im going to try to eat now with this pain in my mouth. Wish me good luck!
My tooth hurt!
Postat av: Emelie
Tack för din söta kommentar! Din blogg är också tjusig måste jag säga. :) Hoppas att du får en bra dag!
Postat av: Emma
Du kanske inte behöver betala så mycket, har du inte vart där på ett halv år eller år så har du de pengarna för en undersökning innestående, men det är aldrig mer än ett år. Så det kan bli 600 kr billigare :p