Well this evening im gonna watch two movies that i have been wanting to see and that is "The fantom of the opera" and "Marie antionette" ^^
I hope they are as awesome as i think they are.
PLus i have been trying a new chokolate since yesterday. I think it is good but it isnt a chokolate you can take bog bites of but very small bites XD
It tastes axacly like christmas! Well in my opinion, many people dont like this chokolate at all but i do and then i think.. "well sucks for them then it is more for me mohahaha".
here is a piccu:
Plus this piccu have taken from : http://littlenova.blogg.se
It was the best piccu i found when searching on Google.se
Well im off to watch my movies!!! have an awesome NIGHT!
I hope they are as awesome as i think they are.
PLus i have been trying a new chokolate since yesterday. I think it is good but it isnt a chokolate you can take bog bites of but very small bites XD
It tastes axacly like christmas! Well in my opinion, many people dont like this chokolate at all but i do and then i think.. "well sucks for them then it is more for me mohahaha".
here is a piccu:
Plus this piccu have taken from : http://littlenova.blogg.se
It was the best piccu i found when searching on Google.se
Well im off to watch my movies!!! have an awesome NIGHT!