.out of the shower!.
Im back!
Well im feeling really sexy here with my hairmask and facemaske so i felt..
"hey im gonna share this beutiful look with my readers"
So here it is, aint I sexy? XD
And i did promise a photo of my nails didnt i?
here it is but the quality is really low becouse i took it with my webcam.
Not bad for a first try right?
Well if i can i will try to take a better picture of them tomorrow.
I´ll post later and if i havent i post tomorrow =D
Well im feeling really sexy here with my hairmask and facemaske so i felt..
"hey im gonna share this beutiful look with my readers"
So here it is, aint I sexy? XD
And i did promise a photo of my nails didnt i?
here it is but the quality is really low becouse i took it with my webcam.
Not bad for a first try right?
Well if i can i will try to take a better picture of them tomorrow.
I´ll post later and if i havent i post tomorrow =D
Postat av: alexandra
just nu har jag en massa tävlingar på gång,
tre stycken avslutas ikväll. I potten ligger ett par spetstrosor, ögonsminkskit, mineralögonskuggor och en valfri tshirt. skynda kika in nu!
Postat av: D
tihi, gulliga naglar
Postat av: Sandra Norman
Behöver hjälp?!
Kolla in här http://sandrhaa.blogg.se/2010/february/pedagogisk-ledarskap.html#comment och berätta för mig vilken färg på dressen jag passar bäst! :) tacksam för svar!
Postat av: emma
Aw, söt blogg du har! :)
Postat av: Leia ♥
Ja, det kan ju stämma :)